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Bathroom Brothers

Bathroom Renovations in Just One Day!

Communities We Serve:

Metro Vancouver
Lower Mainland


Years of Experience


Completed Bathrooms

Luxury & Same-Day Bathroom Renovations

Bathroom Remodeling Is All We Do

From a small remodel or a full-scale bathroom renovation, Bathroom Brothers has a team of highly experienced and skilled craftsmen ready to bring your new bathroom vision to life.

We’re the most trusted bath area renovation company in Regina, Calgary, Langley, Coquitlam, Surrey, Vancouver & Victoria!

Ready to renovate? Connect with us and get your free in-home estimate completed today.

On a Budget? Best Bathroom Remodeling Contractor Price

Bathroom Renovations Starting at $4,999

If you’re looking for a bathroom renovation company that doesn’t cut corners, and offers the best quality work at the best possible price, Bathroom Brothers is your choice. With over 35 years of renovating experience, we’re providing dream bathrooms in Langley, Tri-Cities, Vancouver, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, Nanaimo, Duncan and all of the Lower Mainland. Whether you’re looking to update your current bathroom or simply add value to your home, our team of experts will guide you through the entire process with solutions that fit your needs and budget.

A Seamless Bathroom Remodel Process

With our same-day renovations, we’ll be in and out of your home in no time so you can begin loving your new bathroom. Here’s how our process works:


We begin with a free in-home consultation to learn your needs.

Preparation & Purchase

We plan and buy the materials to create your bathroom.


We remodel your bathroom within your budget and timeline.


Finally, you start enjoying your new and improved bathroom.

white bathroom remodeling

We Offer a Massive Range of Choices

Our customers enjoy the privilege of choosing from an array of options. For instance, Smooth White Acrylic is a favorite if you’re looking for a classic look on a budget. We also regularly install marble acrylic for its sophisticated appearance. Quartz acrylic is another option, which provides another classic look.

About Diamon-Fusion® Protective Glass Coating

Diamon-Fusion® is an ultra-thin, UV resistant, protective glass coating that transforms ordinary glass into a high-performing, water-repellent surface. Similar to how a non-stick cooking pan works, surfaces treated with Diamon-Fusion® become easier to clean and requires less care to maintain.

Why Choose Bathroom Brothers for Your Bathroom Remodeling?

Here are some reasons why you should select us for the bathroom remodeling.

We have a team of dedicated consultants who will help craft a design to transform your existing bathroom.

At Bathroom Brothers, we are always committed to using high-quality materials for bathroom renovation and repairs. In addition, we strive to offer you the highest quality products available in the market.

We provide same day bathroom renovations. This speaks volumes of our expertise and experience as contractors.


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Our Testimonials

Contact Us

“We had a disaster of a bathroom and was delaying reno’s due to only having one washroom. We then hit a point where we needed reno’s ASAP! Myles was so fantastic to work and discuss any hesitations and worries we had about the work. He heard what we were needing and was able to accommodate immediately.”

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